You play, we spay! (and neuter)
Winner's Estimated Take Home Prize
Total Jackpot, Winner Takes Half.
Grand Prize Deadline {{ salesEndDateTimeFormat }}
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Purchase Your Tickets Now!
Must be located in the state of Florida at the time of purchase.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 50/50 draw.
Our next one is coming soon so stay tuned!
Win cash while supporting a community non-profit that spays and neuters animals to help save their lives and reduce overcrowding at shelters.
How It Works
Who You Help
Our Mission is to end the killing of dogs and cats in our community shelters through high-quality, affordable spay/neuter surgeries. To do so we work to reach as many pet owners, animal rescue organizations, and community caregivers as possible to make spaying and neutering accessible to them at the most affordable cost. Since opening its doors in July 2012, Spay N Save has performed over 84,000 surgeries. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our low-cost, high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter clinic in Seminole County is dedicated to reaching throughout Central Florida to make spaying and neutering your pets and neighborhood strays a possibility for everyone.